Here is a small sampling of of our operations and the communities we have served.
Operation Kalyna, Ukraine
“Operation Kalyna” needs your help immediately. At least 1000 Individual First Aid Kits and Tourniquet’s are needed for the Ukrainian people. We have boots on the ground ready to deliver to the people who have requested this aid, but what we need now is the financing to continue to make this happen.
What you donate will not be sitting in a warehouse, it is being deployed.
Operation Tatanka Nakicizin
"Operation Tatanka Nakicizin" (Defending Buffalo) was launched in December of 2019. We drove a trailer full of cleaning supplies to the Covid-ravaged Lakota in South Dakota on Monday. We Picked up a HUGE donation from Stadium Hardware, in Ann Arbor. The Lakota needed to get supplies to their quarantined & locked down members: We brought 5 gallon Buckets that were will filled with: Sponges, Rubber gloves, Paper towels, Fantastic, Bleach wipes, dust broom, dust pans, etc. We picked up gallons of bleach and other cleaning fluids as i got closer to them, to reduce payload weight. Following the drop off of this load, we also purchased over $2000.00 worth of Christmas gifts for the children of the devastated community.
Operation Face Shield
Operation Face Shield saw the opportunity to transition from a 3d Printed frame to a rapid and reliable process called injection molding to keep ahead of the increasing demand for reliable re-usable shield frame. A partnership with Ferris State University, HPS Tooling, and a host of miracles have given us this incredible tool that allows us to mass produce parts here in Michigan. To date over 54,000 face shields have be delivered to hospitals, clinics, other NGO’s and individuals across the USA and far beyond.